True leasingTrue leasing

Awareness Building and Embedding Culture

        True Leasing Co., Ltd. recognizes the importance of aligning its operations with corporate governance principles and ethical standards in a sustainable manner. Therefore, the company places significant emphasis on fostering awareness and cultivating a corporate culture centered around ethics and compliance. To achieve this, True Leasing organizes various activities aimed at engaging and involving employees throughout the organization. These activities serve as opportunities to reach out, educate, and create a sense of ownership and commitment to ethical practices among all employees at True Leasing.

Participation of Top Management

        Executives at all levels actively demonstrate their support and participation in activities aimed at cultivating a corporate culture of governance. They serve as role models by sharing their visions, opinions, and best practices, thereby showcasing the management's commitment to operating in accordance with corporate governance principles. By prioritizing corporate governance, the management sets an example that encourages employee engagement and participation in promoting corporate governance throughout the organization.

Learning and Development

        True Leasing Co., Ltd. organizes learning and development activities using a classroom format to share new knowledge with executives and employees. Additionally, the company leverages technology to support learning, making it easily accessible from anywhere. This includes online training, micro e-learning sessions, and learning through mobile applications, among other methods. By incorporating a blend of traditional and digital learning approaches, True Leasing aims to provide comprehensive and convenient learning opportunities for its workforce.


        True Leasing Co., Ltd. prepares public relations materials with the aim of providing knowledge and promoting activities related to corporate governance. In line with this objective, the company has launched "CG Voices," an electronic magazine that serves as a platform to disseminate news and information to a wide audience. The magazine is published in both Thai and English, ensuring that employees have access to relevant content in their preferred language. This initiative aims to enhance awareness and understanding of corporate governance among employees and stakeholders. 

The "No Gift Policy" prohibits the acceptance of gifts, benefits, and other valuable times.

To uphold a culture of integrity, honesty, and transparency in our ongoing business practices, True Leasing Co., Ltd. has implemented a policy that strictly prohibits all employees from accepting gifts in any form. This policy serves as a safeguard and preventive measure against potential or perceived conflicts of interest and corruption. By refraining from accepting gifts, we ensure that our actions align with our commitment to ethical conduct and maintaining the trust of our stakeholders.

        To uphold a culture of integrity, honesty, and transparency in our ongoing business practices, True Leasing Co., Ltd. has implemented a policy that strictly prohibits all employees from accepting gifts in any form. This policy serves as a safeguard and preventive measure against potential or perceived conflicts of interest and corruption. By refraining from accepting gifts, we ensure that our actions align with our commitment to ethical conduct and maintaining the trust of our stakeholders.

Anti-Corruption Day 2023

        September 2023, Executives and Employees representatives of True Leasing Company Limited participated in the activity. “Anti-Corruption Day” at Bangkok Apiwat Central Station (Bang Sue) the concept is WHAT THE FACT? “สงสัยก็เสริช์ ACTAi เลย”

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